City Tours
  • City Tours

Only 20 min away from the old town can visit the main historical buildings in Quito such as la Compañía church,( Golden church), Independence square and Panecillo hill accompanied by a profesional tour guide. Including some tasting of our traditional sweets around the area.

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Tropical Mockingbird
  • Cotopaxi National Park

Only one hour south of our hotel you can visit the highest active volcano of the world with its more than four thousand feet of glaciers forming one of the three most perfect cones of the world. Hiking around Limpiopungo lagoon, is one of the most favorites activities on the National Park.

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Tropical Mockingbird
  • Hot Springs

One hour away from our hotel we can visit known Papallacta hotsprings incluiding some walking to the highlands grasses of the eastern cordillera with its amazing flora and fauna.

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Eufonia Lomidorada
  • Otavalo Market

Just 1:30 hours north from here you can have a visit a well known indigenous market of Otavalo with its colorfull display of textiles and vegetables all together. Otavalo is also well known for the patchwork landscape, volcanos and lakes.

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Rusty Flowerpiercer
  • Mindo Cloud Forest

Well-known for bird watchers, Mindo is located two hours west from our hotel through a very picturest road. Plenty of waterfalls, butterflies, and adventure activities, Mindo is waiting for tourists to enjoy the gastronomy and delicious chocolate tours.

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Tropical Mockingbird
  • Birdwatching

Birdwatching can be done in the grounds of the property, where you can find more than fifty species of birds of the Interandean valley at the foot of the Ilalo volcano.

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Green Emerald Bird
  • Highking in the property

After or before long hours of traveling in a plane, you can do a one and half hour hike to the top of the Ilalo volcano. Without traveling far you can be in contact with nature in more than one hundred and fifty acres of the property.

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